Webinar with Ostendis - how our e-recruiting system works

30 minutes of free Webinar followed by a question and answer session with our E-Recruiting specialist Tanja Suter.

Registration Webinar

Tanja Suter

Immerse yourself in the world of e-recruitment with us and learn in a short and snappy webinar how you can publish job advertisements with just one click, receive automatic confirmations of receipt and manage your applications in one place. Ostendis makes communication within the team and with applicants simple and clear. Get a direct insight into our tool and ask Tanja your questions. So let's get started: register and get your coffee ready. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Ostendis - how it works
  • Insight into the system
  • Evaluation of an e-recruiting system
  • Q&A with Tanja

We look forward to your participation!